Directory of Obituaries Switzerland – Page 26
Platform for obituaries, thank you notes and memorial pages.
Walter Merz-Häusler
8404 Winterthurdeceased: 28.02.2022
published 02.03.2022 -
Tommy Leupin
4051 Baseldeceased: 28.02.2022
published 01.03.2022 -
Emilio Bianchi
7206 Igisdeceased: 28.02.2022
published 28.02.2022 -
Susanna Blaser
8049 Zürichdeceased: 22.2.2022
published 25.02.2022 -
Dolores Margrit Gottschall-Hirzel
8048 Zürichdeceased: 19. Februar 2022
published 24.02.2022 -
Veronika Reck
8222 Beringendeceased: 12.02.2022
published 23.02.2022 -
Mariann Kaspar
4600 Oltendeceased: 20.2.22
published 22.02.2022 -
Margareta Åström-Forsgren
8053 Zürichdeceased: 21.02.2022
published 22.02.2022 -
Klaus Eichin-Mannhart
9000 St. Gallendeceased: 16.02.2022
published 17.02.2022 -
Witold «Witek» Nakoni
8136 Gattikondeceased: 16. Februar 2022
published 17.02.2022 -
Freddy Rüedi-Bolliger
4123 Allschwildeceased: 10. Februar 2022
published 17.02.2022 -
Nelly Wenger-Ruckstuhl
5436 Würenlosdeceased: 11.02.2022
published 14.02.2022 -
Elisabeth Thalmann-Kölbener
9200 Gossaudeceased: 13. Februar 2022
published 14.02.2022 -
Josef Reichmuth
8400 WinterthurNote of Thankspublished 12.02.2022