Pascal Remo Biondi, Rheinfelden
Riehen, 30.März 2020
Das Schönste, was ein Mensch hinterlassen kann, ist ein Lächeln im Gesicht derjenigen, die an ihn denken.
In stiller Trauer nehmen wir Abschied von meinem lieben Sohn und meinem geliebten Ehemann.
Pascal Remo Biondi
26.September 1968 bis 29.März 2020
Geliebter Pascal trotz Deinem unbändigen Willen und der Freude am Leben hast Du den Kampf gegen Deine Krankheit verloren. Vania und ich werden immer bei Dir sein. IN LIEBE VANIA UND DEIN PAPS
Traueradresse: Vania Biondi Quellenstrasse 39b
In Anbetracht der jetzigen Lage wird die Abschiedszeremonie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachgeholt.
Condolence book
You can use the online condolence book to express your condolences to the relatives or to say a few words of farewell to the deceased.
Previous condolences
Therese Vetsch wrote at 30.03.2020
Liebe Vania,lieber Remo ich denke ganz fest an euch und wünsche euch ganz viel Kraft in dieser schweren Zeit. Liebe Grüsse Therese Vetsch
Ed Elder wrote at 27.09.2020
This was one of the most beautiful persons I have ever met. He was ALWAYS happy and cheerful. I had the pleasure of working with him for quite a few years and tried to stay in touch. I was very saddened to hear of his passing and may he RIP. He will be greatly missed. An old friend and co-worker.
Carl May (USA Sandoz, Clariant) wrote at 27.09.2020
To Pascal's Family, Friends and the Force,
I worked indirectly with Pascal for a period of time. He never had a bad day. After I found out he had health problems, you could not tell by his actions and the way he carried himself. Great person to know and I am glad I did have that opportunity.
May God have a Blessing on the Family.
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