
Create an Online Obituary

Design a stylish obituary within minutes.

Visit Our Obituary Design Platform for the US and the Whole World

With an online obituary, you can inform friends and relatives worldwide - quickly, easily and personally. Without a newspaper subscription. With the intuitive obituary designer, you can create a stylish memento in just a few minutes:

  • Fast, inexpensive, simple.

    Inform mourners quickly – worldwide and without a newspaper.
  • Elegant and personal.

    Sent obituary via WhatsApp or Mail, save as PDF or print it at home.
  • Save time and money:

    Send our PDF to your newspaper as a template for printing.
  • Less expensive than a newspaper ad.

    You usually save hundreds of francs. Just CHF 175.00

Create a Obituary

Changes are immediately shown in the preview

1 Choose a background image

2 Image

or choose image

3 Design Options

Font Style

Border Style

4 Write obituary

You can just leave any unneeded fields empty

Example text
Example text
Example text
Example text
Example text

5 Last place of residence (optional)


Preview Obituary

Empty fields will be hidden in the next step
